A Tale of Two eCommerce Companies

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…”

There were two major eCommerce companies who sold the same wares.  One company was based in an expensive city, outsourced IT and paid its local architects in coal.  Any change to the Web site was met with layers of fear, process, and expensive consultants.

The other company was smaller and grew a team of Software Architects in an area of the US deemed barren of any technical talent.  It never needed to offshore or downsize.  Any change to the Web site was met as an opportunity to build something new.

Five years and a few recessions passed.  Along comes Web Analytics with the ability to identify, quantify and exploit opportunity faster than anything eCommerce has ever seen before…as long as your Web site can be quickly modified for a/b and mulitvariate testing.

Which eCommerce company do you think is chasing tail today?