Fewer Choices Make Happier Phone Customers?

Droid or iPhone…Driod or iPhone.  I’ve been thinking a lot about the replacement for my aging Blackberry.  Here’s the dilema…my choice has little if anything to do with the ability to make a call.  I use a Mac at home and I may never go back to a PC for personal use.  Let me correct that last statement…I love using a Mac at home.  It’s a work of art, and it appeals to my appreciation of design and aspiration to create something magnificent (whether I do or have is an entirely different question).  My wife has an iPhone and we have plenty of apps on it.  I’m not entirely sure what apps I would download immediately.  But I am certain that the iPhone will work as intended and not require a lot of fiddling to enjoy it.

The Droid will work with my current wireless provider.  I am in awe of its power and utility.  It’s a Google phone with endless possibility for development and customization.  I would really like to think that I’m as smart as the average Google employee  and that I have enough time to explore my choices and implement them quickly.  But the truth is that I’m not a rocket scientist and I’m always short on time.  I don’t really enjoy customizing my phone…or my PC at work….or my Mac at home.  There are tons of features and customizations I could make to my Mac.  But time is short and I’m satisfied with the experience.

So at the end of the day I’m really choosing between two brand identities, the more wonkish “I can create anything / Google genius” Droid or an iPhone that broadcasts my support for design but recognizes my surrender to whatever Apple thinks I should be doing on my phone..

Two great choices.  Maybe I should think less and simply choose the one that makes a better call?