Why I Hate Blogging

I hate blogging because it forces me to turn off the TV before 11pm, sit down at the kitchen table and figure out how to add value to someone’s life.  I hate blogging because it demands that I read and think about something new every day.  I hate blogging because it is a promise that I have to fulfill to an entire audience of anonymity.  And I hate blogging because of its open and accessible style  staring  you in the face, calling you an idiot for your inability to write something about anything that you know well.

Over the past seven months I worked with remarkable people and companies, helping them think about the Web as a conversation with interesting (or interested) strangers.  And what is most amazing about these amazing people is an almost universal discomfort with blogging…even when it’s critical to business success.  So I took a hard look at my own pathetic efforts to-date, looking for the reasons why I neglected an activity that is probably the most important thing I can do for my professional growth.

And I realized that, like anything we do for the first time or for the first time in a long while, blogging takes a while to settle into.  I remembered that, with very few exceptions, there really isn’t much I want to watch on TV in the evening and that some of my best ideas arrive during the day anyway.  And that there are a lot of people out there still looking for something other than YAG (Yet Another Gig) professionally, or trying to build a new life in or outside of a cubical.  And that when I think about it I can probably scavenge a nugget or two that someone will find useful.

So I’m blogging again…

Stay tuned…