Got Drum, Going Tribal

I’ve been reading more Seth Godin lately and I just closed the cover of Tribes.  And I’ve been thinking more about my earlier post, Uncubed.  I originally coined the term to capture that sense of liberation from an institutional way-of-life or way-of-thinking.  “Out of the box” thinking is now trapped in the box of institutional vernacular.  Uncubed is a state of mind and purpose achieved after having lived in The Matrix for a while.  It’s an affirmation of or commitment to positive, professional change.  And I think my next role will focus on helping companies, organizations and individuals become uncubed.  More on this later…

One of my favorite lines from Tribes is that “the art of leadership is understanding what you can’t compromise on.”  Re-read that one line and think about it for a second.  Rather than focus on a world of unlimited possibilities, understand first where you’re not going to give ground under ANY circumstances.

Tribes…great book…on to the next!